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Best Dog Agility Equipment for 2022

Dog agility training equipment doesn’t just have to be for professionals. There are so many benefits to getting started.

It can strengthen the bond between dogs and their humans, as well as improve obedience. Not to mention it is a great form of exercise, using muscles they wouldn’t use just walking.

You don’t need to step anywhere near a dog agility course to make the most of it, either. There are plenty of equipment pieces to buy for home use, whether you are looking for something cheap and cheerful, for indoor use or a full obstacle course.

The most common pieces of agility gear are jumps, weave courses, and tunnels. These can all be used separately, or together to make a course. Dogs can start competing in agility from the age of 18 months but can start learning from around 1 year old. This is thought to be the perfect mixed stage of both development and learning.

While most home agility pieces won’t rival Crufts equipment, they can still do the job well. Purchasing quality agility pieces will likely see them lasting for a good few years, and will definitely work out as cheaper overall than renting out local fields every weekend.

As with everything, there are some products out there which really are not worth the bother. So we have researched what is on offer out there to bring you the best dog agility pieces around.

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    Our Top Picks

    Image Product Details
    Pawhut 3 Piece Pet Agility Training Equipment
    • Comes with carrying bag
    • Folds up for storage
    • Great low price
    Check Price
    Rosewood Small Dog Agility Toys
    • Soft yet stable material
    • Sold as individuals - pick what you want
    • Colourful
    Check Price
    GOTOTOP Pets Agility Tunnel
    • Dimensions: Dia 48cm x L4m
    Check Price

    The Top Dog Agility Equipment Pieces Reviewed

    Pawhut 3 Piece Pet Agility Training Equipment

    Do you want a touch of everything in order to make a bit of a mini obstacle course? This kit includes a jump hoop, jump pole and six weave poles so you’re pretty much almost done!

    What we particularly love about this set is that everything collapses right down, and fits into a handy carry bag which is perfect for storage and taking it elsewhere with you. Everything is lightweight for easy carrying, and it also won’t injure your dog if they knock into it.

    It can be used on grass or any other form of flat ground, and it all feels really well-made with easy building and rigidity.


    • Comes with carrying bag
    • Folds up for storage
    • Great low price


    • Dimensions: Weave poles - 328 x 65 x 94.5cm, Jumping ring - 74.5 x 66 x 91cm, High jumper - 95 x 65 x 91cm

    Rosewood Small Dog Agility Toys

    These items are great for smaller to medium dogs who may find standard-sized agility equipment a bit of a challenge. It is also good for smaller pets such as rabbits, just in case…

    Choose from a hoop, hurdle, slalom or tunnel. Each product comes in its own clear plastic bag, and the soft but rigid foam board material is safe and gentle in case they have a few knocks.

    It can be assembled in a matter of seconds, which is perfect if you will be moving it around, and it can be used indoors, outdoors or in a park.


    • Soft yet stable material
    • Sold as individuals - pick what you want
    • Colourful


    • Dimensions: Hoop - 68 x 32 x 70cm, Hurdle - H68 x W32 x D12cm, Tunnel - 100 x 40 x 40cm

    GOTOTOP Pets Agility Tunnel

    A nice 48 diameter size, which is more generous than a lot of the others on the market, this tunnel is perfect if you want an adaptable addition to your course.

    It can be adapted to suit certain shapes, with the ability to curve and be different lengths. Made from premium polyester with a steel frame, it is good quality, which is especially important if your dog is likely to run through it at full pelt.


    • Dimensions: Dia 48cm x L4m


    • Option to fix it to the ground
    • Can be bent in different directions
    • Comes in a portable bag

    PawHut Dog Agility Equipment Play Run Jump Kit

    This is a great set of 5 crossbars and 10 cones, which can be adjusted to suit different heights.

    The maximum height of each bar is 28cm, and the length of each pole is 100cm. You can spread the poles out as far or short as you wish, as well as making each pole shorter by moving the cones inward.

    It is a great little kit to help train your pet’s sense of balance, and you can use it either as part of their wider agility course kit or as a starter piece to get them prepared for jumping higher poles. If you are concerned about the fact that the bars won’t fall off if your dog knocks into it in order to prevent injury, the good news is that the cones are very lightweight so the whole thing will fall over instead.

    Everything will pack up into one easy-carry bag with large handles, and you can start with just one or two before giving them more of a challenge later on.


    • Great starter piece
    • Perfect for light exercise and physio too


    • Dimensions: H28 x L100cm

    Pet Brands Agility Hood Jump

    One of the cheapest hoop jumps on the market, but still great quality which means it is a perfect addition to our list.

    It is easy to use, and when you are finished with it, it will pack up and can be stored in a handy carry bag. A hoop is usually used as a piece of starter equipment as the dog finds it pretty self-explanatory to use, but it would still remain a great part of a larger set if you expand later down the line.

    There are poles which will sink straight into any soft surface such as grass to make it more stable, but the hoop itself is slightly supple plastic which will be fine if they scrape it as they go past.


    • Strong yet will take knocks
    • Good size for most breeds


    • Dimensions: 100 x 67 x 3cm

    Relaxdays Colourful Wooden Pet Seesaw

    The seesaw is always part of the agility courses at competitions such as Crufts but can be overlooked if you’re looking to recreate it at home.

    It is made from high-quality fir wood and has been processed with outdoor environment protection water paint. The surface is anti-slip sand grain asphalt felt, and it is easy and quick to assemble.

    A seesaw is a great piece of kit which allows dogs of all ages to build up confidence and trust in other pieces of equipment, as once they have the hang of it, they will know that the other items are reliable too.

    Just note that the maximum weight is 20kg so get the size up if you have a large dog.


    • Good quality material
    • Great grip
    • Easy to build


    • Dimensions: L180 x W30 x H30cm

    Buying Guide

    How we chose the best dog agility pieces in our review

    Firstly, there are several types of dog agility pieces around. So, we tried to find a mixture for anyone who is just starting out or who wants to grow their collection.

    All of the equipment in our list has been reviewed with praise, for both ease of use and how the dogs react to it. It is all quality too, so while the prices are low versus professional equipment, it is still perfect for use.

    If you are buying for home use, you may want to move the items around, either to alter the course and give your dog a different layout every day, or you may want to book a closed field for an hour and take it with you for more space. This is before mentioning that you probably won’t want to leave it outside 24/7, 365.

    Either way, you need to be able to move it around, pack it up and easily get it out again. Plus, anything too heavy could injure your dog if they miss a jump or corner while learning what to do. All of the pieces above can be taken down, rebuilt, stored and moved to suit your needs.

    Just because something is lightweight doesn’t mean it isn’t stable. But if you will be using outdoor-friendly equipment, look for things that will allow you to fasten it securely into the ground. This may be poles, pegs or simply a really secure wide flat base. Any of the outdoor-suitable pieces in our roundup are safe for outside.

    Types Of Agility Equipment

    Open Tunnel

    Dogs have to run at full speed towards the tunnel from all angles, before going through it and exiting at the other end. Most tunnels can be altered in shape for some variation


    Panels, sticks, or even hoops – dogs run at them from a distance and have to clear the jump without knocking bars off or halting. Most can be adjusted in height, so once they have mastered one size, they can have the next challenge

    Weave Poles

    Dogs enter the row of poles from the right-hand side, then have to weave through them in a figure 8 pattern before emerging at the other side. They must keep up a good level of speed while doing this, which will be a great thing if you need something which you can stick at for a few months. Most can be adjusted in spacing and angle


    These enable your dog to gain trust – encouraging them to go on can be scary for them, but once they know the wobble won’t harm them, they will gain trust going around the rest of the course. Dogs will soon see it as a fun part of the course, as well as gaining patience

    Other Buyers Ask...

    Why is dog agility a good idea?

    Do you have a dog who seems to never get tired? They get enough walks, you play with them, they have treat puzzles to solve, but they always want more?

    Dog agility is a great way to let off some steam. It doesn’t only keep them physically active, but they also get mental stimulation by having to understand your commands and do what you say.

    The physical side of things is a level up from letting them run around a field. They will be jumping, going around obstacles, going under items and through tunnels, and this will get muscles working which were otherwise not really used.

    How much space do I need for a dog agility course?

    Not much at all. Ideally, the equipment will be spaced out enough for them to safely run around and have a break in between each piece. However, they can be placed at angles to make the most of any garden or outdoor space.

    Even just one piece of equipment can have benefits. As long as they have enough space to run up, jump down or simply just use it, you’ll be fine. Ensure there are no obstructions in the way.