A cat tracker is a device that attaches to your cat’s collar or comes as an all-in-one device. It allows you to see where they are at all times via an app on your phone.
This could give you real peace of mind if your cat ventures outside for long periods. It could even become vital if your cat usually returns home within the hour, so you’d know something was wrong if they didn’t.
Cat trackers can tell you if your cat is trapped in a neighbours shed, or is visiting a neighbour for their lunch every day. Some will also update your app with activity data, so you can ensure they’re getting enough exercise. Others inform you of how many calories they’ve burned today, and how well they’re sleeping. This could all prove crucial if you’re keen to monitor behaviour changes for health reasons.
But a cat tracker can also be an amusing gadget. We are sure you’ve wondered what your cat gets up to occasionally – well now you can know!
If you want a GPS or activity monitor for your kitty, it is a slightly more difficult search than for dogs. It needs to be smaller and a bit less ‘detectable’ so they don’t try to take it off. It may also need to reach further distances and put up with pretty active cats.
You also need to look into whether there are any extra costs for data storage or location history. Some trackers may also have a boundary feature, which will alert you if your cat strays further than it should.
Luckily, we have done the hard work for you and found the best cat trackers on the market available to buy online. There may not be many, but these are the ones that passed the test.